Fluoridation Side Effects

Fluoride is a drug.
To consume fluoride, you first
require a doctor's prescription to buy it.*
Despite this, fluoride is added to two-thirds of
America's drinking water to try and prevent tooth decay.

Most drugs have adverse side effects.
What could they be for swallowing fluoridated tap water?

The following charts of epidemiological data published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention correlate state levels of water fluoridation with adverse health conditions: mental retardation, infant mortality, ADHD, arthritis, obesity.

Mental Retardation vs. Fluoridation
Mental Retardation
vs. Fluoridation Rates

Infant Mortality vs.  Fluoridation
Infant Mortality
vs. Fluoridation Rates

Blue Line indicates fluoridation rates for states from lowest to highest.
Red Xs indicate rates of adverse health conditions for each state.
Click a chart for larger image, plus sources and notes.

 Obesity vs. Fluoridation
vs. Fluoridation Rates

ADHD vs. Fluoridation
vs. Fluoridation Rates

 Arthritis vs. Fluoridation
vs. Fluoridation Rates

Although these associations may be subtle in some cases, even if the elimination of water fluoridation resulted in only a 10-percent reduction in the incidence of these serious health conditions, it would greatly benefit the health of millions of Americans – plus save about $50 billion a year.

The positive epidemiological associations shown in these charts do not prove cause-and-effect between increased rates of water fluoridation and adverse health conditions, however this epidemiological evidence makes a stronger case for stopping water fluoridation than did the data originally relied on to justify starting artificial water fluoridation in the first place, more than half a century ago.

As reported by investigative journalist Christopher Bryson: In the 1930s, a Public Health Service researcher named H. Trendley Dean found that natural fluoride in the local water supplies apparently correlated with fewer dental cavities. His findings, although much criticized for their scientific method, eventually became a foundation for artificial water fluoridation. But in 1960, Dean admitted under oath that his studies in 21 cities of 7,257 children were worthless. (The Fluoride Deception, Seven Stories Press, 2004; page 267, footnote #75)

The belief that consuming naturally occurring fluoride in water protects against tooth decay is still not supported today. There's no evidence of any less tooth decay in the 8 million Americans whose drinking water the CDC says has "sufficient naturally occurring fluoride concentrations" (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, July 11, 2008). (For further discussion, see Reference #11 of "Don't Be Takin' Fluoride.")

As for the effectiveness of artificial fluoridation, Kathleen M. Thiessen, PhD, concluded in her May 27, 2010 comments to EPA: "The best recent data available indicate little or no beneficial effect of water fluoridation on oral health." In his comments, Paul Connett, PhD, cited 13 studies and reviews published since 1980 that "indicate little difference in tooth decay between fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities."

These simple charts are merely starting points that show the urgent need for action and serious research. They have limitations, including:

  • Each chart compares only two variables, whereas adverse health conditions may be caused by many variables.
  • Fluoridation status is shown for the percentage of people in a state on public water supplies whose water is fluoridated. Data for adverse health conditions are for the whole population (or a specified group of the population), regardless of water source.
  • The year of water fluoridation status does not always match the year an adverse health condition was reported, but that is not crucial because there may be different amounts of time between relevant exposures and possible effects, or endpoints may depend on cumulative exposure rather than exposure at a certain time. And for most states, fluoridation rates did not change significantly.

*Before getting a prescription to buy fluoride for consumption, the CDC says your doctor must first determine "a complete fluoride history" to include all your sources of fluoride (www.cdc.gov/fluoridation/other/spplmnt_schdl.htm).

It's foolhardy to allow state legislators, city council members, or even voters – no matter how well informed they may be to – mass prescribe a drug via public water supplies where access and dosage cannot be controlled.

Federal law prohibits medicating our drinking water:

"No national primary drinking water regulation may require addition of any substance for preventive health care purposes unrelated to contamination of drinking water."

– U.S. Code Title 42, Chapter 6A (Public Health Service)
Subchapter XII (Safety of Public Water Systems)
Section 300g-1(b)(11)

This provision is also part of the U. S. Safe Drinking Water Act
Section 1412 (b)(11)

Despite this law, a federal agency – the CDC's Division of Oral Health – actively promotes water fluoridation at the state level: a waste of government resources and taxpayer money.

Some think they're clever by quoting Kubrick's General Ripper.
But fluoridation is not a communist plot. It is a capitalist ploy.
Silicofluorides = Toxic poison Silicofluorides = Good tooth chemical
Pay $7,000 a ton to properly dispose of this highly toxic waste.
Earn $1,500 a ton by selling this same toxic waste to gullible communities.

(The only expense is changing the logo on the tanker truck.)

Don't Be Takin' Fluoride