Mental Fluorosis / 2019 Research / Neuroinflammation and Pre-symptomatic Alzheimer's

Reducing Early Brain Inflammation Could Slow Alzheimer's Progression

In a new animal study examining Alzheimer's disease, researchers found that disease progression could be slowed by decreasing neuroinflammation in the brain before memory problems and cognitive impairment were apparent.

"Starting an intervention at the earliest stage of the disease, when cellular and molecular alterations have already been triggered but major damage to the brain has not yet occurred, could offer a way to reduce the number of people who go on to develop full Alzheimer's dementia," said research team leader Caterina Scuderi, PhD. [Experimental Biology, April 2020]

Fluoride Causes Neuroinflammation

If you value your brain, stop drinking F-water.
Now. Before it's too late.

Fluoride and Neurodegeneration

Pregnancy and Fluoride Do Not Mix