The Book Pregnant Earth Mother The Book

Home Page

Known About Fluoride
  Toothpaste Warning
  Interferes with Brain
  Fetal Vulnerability
  Genetic Factor

Needs to Be Known
  Fetal Fluoride Intake
  Fluoride Drugs
  Amniotic Fluid
  Bogus Sales Pitch
  Oregon Deception
  Crazy Advice
  Premature Birth
  Infants Overdosed
    Infant Mortality
  Life Decay
   Mental Retardation
  Mental Fluorosis
   Fluoride and
  End Fluoridation
   Save $Billions

Know News
  2019-20 Studies
  Prenatal Microbiome
  Fluoride & Obesity
  Vascular Dementia
  Arterial Stiffness

Fluoridation 'Science'
  CDC's Irrationale
  EPA's Pollutant
  PHS's Debunkery

The Book

This is a Human Rights Issue

This website validates the need and right of families
to know the risks of consuming fluoride during pregnancy.
It highlights and updates evidence documented in the book:

Pregnancy and Fluoride Do Not Mix

* * * * *

October 7, 2020: "Fluoride offers no benefits to the fetus and infant and – as shown in the video below – new evidence suggests that fluoride is toxic to the developing brain at levels routinely found in the general population." – Linda Birnbaum, PhD, Former Director, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and Toxicology Program

5-min Video

In July 2020, EPA researchers reported that fluoride is the "toxic element"
with the "greatest increase in impacting cognitive ability" in children –
13 times the impact of exposure to lead:

When a pregnant woman drinks fluoridated tap water throughout the day (as health authorities advise), her unborn child's fluoride intake level is:

"a very serious population risk of adverse effects." (US Institute of Medicine)

• comparable to a 5-year old who swallows too much fluoride in toothpaste, and the FDA warns his parents to: "Contact a Poison Control Center right away."

Known About Fluoride

When fluoride safety thresholds were established for children in 1997, health authorities ignored babies in the womb. They still do – despite substantial and growing evidence that fluoride is toxic to the developing human nervous system.

National Research Council (2006): Fluoride has the ability to "interfere with the functions of the brain and the body by direct and indirect means."

National Scientific Council on the Developing Child (2009): It's not just about dose. Most important is "the timing during the developmental process... The immature nervous system of an embryo or fetus is even more vulnerable to toxic exposures than is that of an infant."

EPA Neurotoxicology Division (2009): A team of researchers found substantial evidence that fluoride is a "developmental neurotoxicant" in the same category with alcohol, arsenic, bisphenol A, lead, mercury, and nicotine.

Needs to Be Known

Prescription fluoridated water has pregnancy and poison warnings. So should community fluoridated tap water.

Fluoridated tap water contaminates amniotic fluid swallowed by babies in the womb.

Prenatal fluoride is a risk factor for premature birth, the leading cause of long-term neurological disabilities in children.

Although the US government's best study found less than 1% difference in healthy teeth, the data has been manipulated to claim that fluoridation reduces tooth decay by 25%.

The Oregon dental establishment has long used deception to sell fluoridation.

Crazy advice from a trusted women's health association (ACOG), who said it's a "high risk factor" if pregnant women don't drink fluoridated water throughout the day.

States with higher percentages of fluoridated tap water have higher rates of infant mortality, mental retardation, and cancer.

Fluoridated water's many correlations with life decay are better reasons to stop fluoridation than its one correlation with tooth decay was to start it.

If ending fluoridation reduced life decay by just 10%,
this would be a tremendous humanitarian boon
and save $100 billion per year in the US.

Last-century's science discovered that fluoride disrupts
development of the hardest substance in our body: tooth enamel.
This century's science is increasingly discovering that fluoride disrupts
development of the most crucial organ in our body: the brain.

Fluoridation Science

Put on a Happy Face

The EPA admits that its primary water fluoridation chemical is a water pollutant.

The CDC Division of Oral Health's tries to explain its irrationale for swallowing fluoride.

The Public Heath Service based fluoridation on a debunked dental survey from the 1930s.

It is inexcusable to knowingly overexpose babies in
the womb to a developmental neurotoxin every day during the
months when they are most vulnerable to neurological impairment.

Pregnancy and Fluoride Do Not Mix

Pregnancy and Fluoride Do Not Mix Validating known and emerging safety concerns, the new and diverse scientific evidence presented in this well-documented volume (>350 references, mostly PubMed) details the numerous biological, laboratory, and ecological links between prenatal fluoride exposure and adverse health consequences – compelling reasons for women of child-bearing age to avoid consumption of fluoride in tap water, as well in beverages made in fluoridated cities.

Four years in the making, this concise volume includes three in-depth reports published by the Townsend Letter: The Examiner of Alternative Medicine.

108 pages • 5.25 x 8" • $13.00

Updated in 2024

Available on Amazon

Table of Contents

"Peace begins in the womb...
Order is transferred from cell to tissue, to organs,
to organisms, to families, communities, and nations.
Unfortunately, when development is violated in the womb...
the social and economic impacts are incalculable."
– Theo Colborn, author of Our Stolen Future

Not only a pregnancy concern, recent research
confirms fluoride's role in mental decay in adults.